Re 1914
I used to think they would ditch 1914 because it has no Biblical support but it looks like they are sticking with it and promoting it as if it were a fact. As we have been reliably informed “There is more evidence for God’s Kingdom arriving in 1914 than there is for gravity”. But it has to be remembered that this truly wonderful faith-building statement comes from people whose feet do not reach down to the ground. (Gravity for goodness sake has VISIBLE evidence you deceiving bunch of dim-wits!) What they are saying is you must have faith in the GB’s doctrine on 1914.
The organisation's problem with 1914, even though patently false, is that it is promoted as their divine stamp of approval for insight into Bible prophecy. Forget that it was meant to take place in 1874 and was based on the writings of their discredited founder Russell who in turn had borrowed the ideas from yet earlier evangelists. Even though there is no tangible evidence that Jesus returned in 1914 and that the Bible texts purporting to foretell the event lead to a different date, yet the credit for Russell’s (erroneous) insight is their only prophetic ‘success’.
If you run a doomsday cult: you gotta hang onto any semblance of divine attention. What else can their authority be conjured from? There is none...